Archive 2021-155: BV Litigation Reports



Archive 2021-155: Business Valuation Litigation Reports – How and Where They Will Come After You

**Webinar 155: Live Broadcast Date: June 15, 2021**

VPS StraightTalk Webinar Series:  Business Valuation Litigation Reports  – How and Where They Will Come After You
Speakers: Jim Hitchner, CPA/ABV/CFF, ASA

The highlight of this session is a review of a Word version of a detailed sample litigation report. Learn what should go in and what should stay out of a report for litigation purposes. You may be wrong or you may be right – but they will still come after you, so be prepared with a bulletproof report. The sample report included is in conformity with the standards of AICPA, ASA, NACVA, and USPAP.

Learning Objectives:

The participant will learn about the following:

  • How attorneys will attack your report
  • Language that will limit an attorney’s ability to manipulate your words
  • The use of protective and risk-management language
  • How to properly use addendums, appraisal representations/certifications, and assumptions and limited conditions
  • How to avoid certain words, sentences, and paragraphs that are inappropriately included in reports

Webinar Outline:

  • Sample language and examples to put in your detailed litigation reports
  • Front summary language including: terms, definitions, disclaimers, caveats, scope of work, list of documents relied upon, procedures performed, restrictions or limitations, distribution, and level of reliance
  • Adherence to BV reporting standards (AICPA, ASA, NACVA, and USPAP)
  • Addendums, assumptions and limiting conditions, and valuation representation/certifications
  • Sample language and examples NOT to put in your reports
  • The best way to organize your report
  • Citing references for definitions, concepts, and applications
  • The use and abuse in relying upon canned economic and industry data
  • Reliance on RMA and other types of benchmark data
  • Quantitative and qualitative weightings of values
  • Length of reports


  • VPS webinar PowerPoint slides
  • Detailed sample report in Microsoft Word
  • Following the webinar, attendees will have access to a video recording of the program

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