FVLE Issue 2

FVLE Issue 2

FVLE Issue 2 – Aug-Sept 2006

Front Page – Fair Value Measurement: FASB Update
Robin Taylor – Sensitivity (or is it Sensibility?) Analysis
Robert Duffy – What’s in a Letter? An Introduction to 141R
Linda Trugman – Using the Income Approach to Value Family Limited Partnerships
Donald Wisehart – Dangers of Mixing Transaction Databases
Gail Markham – Are Stock Options Marital Assets Subject to Equitable Distribution?
Five Tips for Preparing an Engagement Letter
Steve Oscher (guest columnist) – Forensic Services in Fraud: From Super Nerd to Super Sleuth
Terry Allen – What is Unique About Bank Valuation?
Mike Hill Sr. – Hill Says… USPAP 2006: Major Changes Afoot
Robert Grossman – What’s Happening at the NACVA?
Eva Lang – Expert Resources: Alacra – They’ve Got the Good Stuff
In the Courtroom
Appreciation in Controlling Interest in Separate Property: Business Valued Using Recent
Transaction of Minority Interest
Court Tax Affects S Corporation in Fair Value Matter
Herbert Kohler Jr. et. al. v. Commissioner