2025-199: Advanced Expert Witness Skills for Business Valuators
**Webinar 199: Live Broadcast Date: March 11, 2025, 1:00-3:00 pm EDT**
VPS STRAIGHTtalk Webinar Series:
Speaker: Brian Peter Brinig JD, CPA/ABV, ASA
Against the backdrop of litigation, Brian Brinig offers valuable strategies to help experts prepare for depositions and navigate challenging questions during business valuation depositions. The program, designed from the perspective of a business valuation expert witness, teaches how to respond to tough inquiries both truthfully and skillfully. Professor Brinig demonstrates common mistakes in answering deposition questions and contrasts them with effective approaches. He also delves into the art of direct examination, providing techniques to elevate trial testimony and transform routine presentations into impactful ones. The lessons shared are applicable to all experts seeking to enhance the effectiveness of their testimony.
Learning Objectives:
The participant will learn the following:
- Understanding business valuation litigation
- The importance of the “lack of expert privilege”
- Expert deposition is a losing proposition
- Strategies for effective expert deposition testimony; make it a win
- Succeeding on direct examination; take charge of your lawyer
- Surviving cross-examination
- VPS Webinar PowerPoint slides
- Following the webinar, attendees will have access to a video recording of the program
With our simple flat pricing plan, your entire office (up to 20 people) can join us for this 100-minute presentation, earn two hours of CPE credit, and receive an archive recording for $269. Contact if your firm will have more than 20 attendees.
Program Level: Intermediate
Delivery Method: Group/Internet based
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of business valuation concepts
CPE Credits: Two 50-minute CPE hours / Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
For more information on CPE credits, refund policies, and complaint resolution visit our CPE page at
Note to our loyal repeat customers: We are partnering with the Virginia Society of CPAs to update and streamline our webinar process. As a result, the instructions for registering and accessing the webinar have changed. Please download and read these instructions carefully.
Download the Webinar Participant Instructions at purchase with registration link and details.
Participants must register individually in advance of the webinar to obtain a unique log-in link by email from Zoom.